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FFmpeg-based Interval Timer for Sport and Exercise

I am the one of the cycling captain of UEA Triathlon Club for the academic year of 2017-2018. I always find it hard to keep track of the set in a turbo session for some reason.

I used to use a Matlab-based countdown timer 1). However it always freezes after 558 seconds had elapsed - if you set a 10-minute countdown timer, it will freeze at 42 seconds. I can't be bothered to fix the Matlab code.

After digging through FFmpeg documentation 2) and the Internet, I figured out how to generate a text-based video.

Here I present the program listing, and an example output. The script works fine on Debian Stretch.

I have to say FFmpeg is one of my most abused software. Last time I used FFmpeg to upload arbitrary file to Youtube 3).

Program listing

# The content of the set
# Format:
# min:sec text
#Warm up
'05:00 90 RPM Smooth pedalling'
'02:00 95 RPM Smooth pedalling'
'02:00 100 RPM Smooth pedalling'
'02:00 105 RPM Smooth pedalling'
'01:30 110 RPM Smooth pedalling'
'00:30 120-130 RPM Maintain form'
'02:00 90 RPM Relax and recover'
'00:06 MAX RPM Rev out'
'01:00 90 RPM Smooth pedalling'
'00:06 MAX RPM Rev out'
'01:00 90 RPM Smooth pedalling'
'00:06 MAX RPM Rev out'
'02:45 90 RPM Relax and recover'
#Russian Steps
'00:15 Max effort'
'00:45 Recovery'
'00:30 Max effort'
'00:30 Recovery'
'00:45 Max effort'
'00:15 Recovery'
'01:00 Max effort'
'01:00 Recovery'
'00:45 Max effort'
'00:15 Recovery'
'00:30 Max effort'
'00:30 Recovery'
'00:15 Max effort'
'05:45 Recovery'
'00:15 Max effort'
'00:45 Recovery'
'00:30 Max effort'
'00:30 Recovery'
'00:45 Max effort'
'00:15 Recovery'
'01:00 Max effort'
'01:00 Recovery'
'00:45 Max effort'
'00:15 Recovery'
'00:30 Max effort'
'00:30 Recovery'
'00:15 Max effort'
'05:45 Recovery'
'00:15 Max effort'
'00:45 Recovery'
'00:30 Max effort'
'00:30 Recovery'
'00:45 Max effort'
'00:15 Recovery'
'01:00 Max effort'
'01:00 Recovery'
'00:45 Max effort'
'00:15 Recovery'
'00:30 Max effort'
'00:30 Recovery'
'00:15 Max effort'
'10:00 Cool Down'
# The file number counter
let counter=0
# The length of the set
let setLen=${#turbo[@]}-1
function cleanup {
    rm seg-*.mp4 filelist.txt intro.txt
# Calling convention: duration, font_size
function introduction {
    ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=c=white:size=${resolution}:rate=${framerate} \
    -vf "drawtext=textfile=intro.txt: fontsize=${2}: \
    r=${framerate}: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-h*0.9: fontcolor=black:" \
    -t ${1} -preset ultrafast -tune stillimage -y -loglevel panic -stats \
    echo "file seg-${counter}.mp4" >> filelist.txt
    let counter++
# Calling convention: min, sec, text_now, text_next
function videoSegment {
    let duration=${1}*60+${2}
    textNext=$(echo "Next -" ${min}m ${sec}s ${4})
    ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=c=white:size=${resolution}:rate=${framerate} \
    -vf "\
    drawtext=text='${textNow}': fontsize=80: \
    r=${framerate}: x=(w-tw)*0.5: y=h-h*0.80: fontcolor=Black:,\
    drawtext=text='Duration: ${min} min ${sec} sec': fontsize=80: \
    r=${framerate}: x=(w-tw)*0.5: y=h-h*0.60: fontcolor=Black:,
    drawtext=timecode='00\:00\:00\:00': fontsize=80: \
    r=${framerate}: x=(w-tw)*0.5: y=h-h*0.40: fontcolor=Black:, \
    drawtext=text='${textNext}': fontsize=50: \
    r=${framerate}: x=(w-tw)*0.5: y=h-h*0.20: fontcolor=SlateGray:" \
    -t ${duration} -preset ultrafast -tune stillimage -y -loglevel panic -stats \
    echo "file seg-${counter}.mp4" >> filelist.txt
    let counter++
function output {
    ffmpeg -f concat -i filelist.txt -c copy -y ${1}
# Calling convention: segment_id
function turboSegment {
    thisLine=$(echo ${turbo[${1}]})
    timing=$(echo $thisLine|cut -d ' ' -f 1)
    min=$(echo $timing|cut -d ':' -f 1)
    sec=$(echo $timing|cut -d ':' -f 2)
    textNow=$(echo $thisLine|cut -d ' ' -f 2-)
    let segNext=${1}+1
    textNext=$(echo ${turbo[${segNext}]}|cut -d ' ' -f 2-)
    videoSegment $min $sec "$textNow" "$textNext"
# Create the introduction text variable
printf "%s\n" "${turbo[@]}" > intro.txt
# introduction 10 40
# read -p "Press any key to continue, or Ctrl+C to stop..."
for i in $(seq 0 $setLen); do
    turboSegment ${i}
output UEA-Triathlon-$(date --rfc-3339=date).mp4

Example output

public/ffmpeg-based_interval_timer_for_sport_and_exercise.1518199593.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/31 00:38 (external edit)