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Table of Contents
Cool Stories
This page describes all the Cool Stories I have - they are the cool ideas that I have no time to implement. The idea is that when people read these ideas, they would say “Cool story, bro”.
OOBM on the cheap
Well, I run a server in China. I have managed to lose contact with the servers in numerous occasion, primarily due to my own stupidity. So I desperately need some sort of out-of-band management solution (OOBM). Primarily there are three ways to achieve this:
- Intel AMT 6.0+.
- Raspberry Pi Zero W Virtual HID Keyboard + Skype
- USB Serial adapter that gets activated at GRUB time / when kernel gets loaded.
GFW resistant tunneling tools
These projects require detailed knowledge of network programming.
Protocol-imitating tool
- Wrap your tunnel protocol behind HTTP request. HTTP request seems to go faster.
Multithread tunneling tool
- De-multiplexing a VPN connection
- You would need to sort out out-of-order packet.
- Enable resend.
Projects that are stalled
Projects that will never happen
public/cool_stories.1546226690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/31 03:24 by fangfufu